Tuesday, January 26, 2016

It's almost done!

All this little guy needs now is a good washing and to be sewn together. It took quite a while to finish this little beauty, but I think someone will love it! 

I also have a  small wall tapestry ready to hit the shop - the moon phases! 

Check them out! They'll both be up and ready to go by tomorrow! 


Monday, January 11, 2016

I Cannot Stop

   My latest embroidery project! I just finished this rose last night! After days of detail and love, I decided that this little piece is a personal project. Can any of you sharp-eyed folks spot the Assassin's Creed symbol penciled in the background? I can't wait to wear this little beauty around! 

  Hold tight though, because new items will soon hit the shop. Less detailed, but cheaper than that little spunky coin purse I put on there last week. I know these beauties are a luxury, so I'm trying to add items of every price point! 


Monday, January 4, 2016

The Beginning

It's a good thing we're snowed in so I can devote every extra moment to embroidery and kicking my Etsy shop back into life. I couldn't be happier! A lot has happened since I opened my store back in 2008, but I'm proud to say that I finally feel ready to release my crafts into the wild!

Prepare yourself for embroidered tapestries and bags, beeswax candles, crocheted blankets, super sweet pillows, and woodcraft tidbits to hit the store this year. The extra income from these lovelies will help me fund my schooling for interior design, and help me gather a down payment for a house as well.

For being such a wonderful person, and reading through a couple of my sentences, please use this little coupon to celebrate the opening of the shop: HOORAY2016

This coupon is for anybody that uses it within the month of February, and you get a whopping 10% off your entire purchase, with no minimum purchase! What?! Exciting, right?

Well, I'm going to get embroidering and get that shop full of items to delight.

Until next time, my dears,